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Conducted Nationally: 11/00

What Consumers Say About EZ Rated

  • #3001 "It lets me know it is EZ and that's what I look for in all machines."

  • #3003 "Because if they put it through all those test it'd be something I'd want in my house because it's so easy."

  • #3008 "It would be helpful because you want something that's easy to use and set up--something that's not going to be a hassle and this seal assures that."

  • #3012 "It's informative, something I'd definitely look for."

  • #3017 "Well it says independently certified, that the company is not just saying that about their product but that someone else agrees as well."

  • #4004 "I look for something easy to put together."

  • #4018 "It seems like a very good idea and I would look for it on most things."

  • #4025 "I wondered why someone didn't use something like this before."

  • #5007 "It should be easy to use, they made it for me."

  • Consumer Data

    If you saw the EZ Rated seal on a product in a store, how much influence would it have on your purchase decision. Would you say, it ?

    77% Would have "Influence"

    18% At least "A Lot of Influence"

    How valuable do you think the EZ Rated seal would be in making your purchase decisions for products that required assembly, setup or detailed instruction?

    75% At least "Somewhat Valuable"

    39% At least "Very Valuable"

    How believable do you think an EZ Rated seal would be?

    75% At least "Somewhat Believable"

    29% At least "Very Believable"

    If a manufacturer displayed the EZ Rated seal on its product. Would you say that your opinion of that manufacturer would be ?

    45% At least "Somewhat More Favorable"

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