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"We've used EZ Rated on 2 separate occasions at different stages of a product lifecycle - if you need concrete 'human-product interface' feedback to confirm product packaging, assembly and instruction sets - EZ Rated does an excellent and thorough job testing and proving out the good, bad and ugly."
ClosetMaid Corp.

Since 1998, clients facing a variety of consumer issues and opportunities have relied on EZ Rated's anthropological evaluation and communication services for their products. Our team has broad, world-class experience in design, manufacturing, marketing, quality, research, standards, and testing.


Massive resources go into the development, launch and support of products and services. Rather than risk disaster when so much is at stake, offerings should be subjected to robust scrutiny. EZ Rated specializes in refining products and services via our anthropological processes employing our proprietary Mechanically Disinclined® perspective.

Our proprietary processes select, analyze, and report on consumers who reflect the home or work site setup and first use experience of 90% of the demographic, 90% of the time. If these folks can set up and use your product or service efficiently, "Cost Events" will be minimal (e.g., lost sales, product returns, after sale support, warranty service from negligence, brand damage, and negative referrals, etc.).

EZ Rated is responsive to the needs of any project requirement. Upon learning the details of your project, we will quickly prepare a comprehensive quote, complete with a no-hassle satisfaction guarantee.

EZ Rated's services maximize product investment returns by identifying and addressing the costly issues that fill call centers, drive product returns, and cost sales (click for White Paper). If you would like a detailed proposal for a particular project, please let us know.

Contact Us

EZ Rated
Yonkers, New York

Toll-Free: 866.400.7767
Toll-Free Fax: 866.588.4044

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